Additional Products


A central platform where all media assets are stored in their master form and then automatically transformed into the required output formats.  Learn more.


Request, Approval and Quality Control for your Marketing Assets. Learn more.

Cumulus Importer

The most efficient way to import large collections into Cumulus.  Learn more.

Email Order System Pro (EOSP)

Make it easy for you to allow users to order assets requiring approval for download. Learn more.

e-Commerce Add-On

The e-commerce Add-On allows you to present your files easily and safely for paid download on the Internet. Learn more.

Retired Products

Brand Portal

Brand Portal offers a streamlined digital brand experience to customers, potential customers, partners & media. Learn more.


ZoomA let you zoom-in to see the fine detail in your images quickly and easily. Learn more.


Multisite gives each group (internal and external) their own interface designed for their specific needs. Learn more.

S3 Connector

Use Amazon’s S3 cloud storage solution to download assets faster, everywhere in the world. Learn more.

ImageMagick Asset Processor

Automate the way images managed by your DAM are edited and converted, even vector graphics. Learn more.

Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration

Make accessing the your DAM seamless with simple and secure authentication. Learn more.

DAM Connect for WoodWing

Exchange and track asset managed by Cumulus and used by WoodWIng’s versatile publishing platform.  Learn more.


Sort assets based color, brightness and visual content.  Learn more.

List Search

Search for records in the Cumulus catalogs specified in a text list.  Use it to find records a collection or an entire catalog.  Learn more.