How Benefit Cosmetics Delivers Files Faster Using Amazon S3 Connector for Cumulus

Benefit Cosmetics, a global manufacturer and retailer of cosmetics needed a fast, secure and efficient way to deliver marketing and sales material, including large point of sale files to its offices, boutiques and partners around the globe.
View this webinar to learn how Modula4 helped Benefit Cosmetics meet this challenge with their product, the S3 Connector for Cumulus.

Steve Kent, Digital Asset Manager at Benefit Cosmetics describes the challenges they faced and provide metrics showing how the S3 Connector for Cumulus significantly improved download speeds. Modula4 CTO Michael Gellner discusses alternative use cases and how the S3 Connector for Cumulus can be configured to support these other scenarios.



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  • When using Firefox it may take a minute or more for the video to begin playing. 
  • For the best viewing experience, once the video starts playing switch to “full-screen” mode by clicking on the right-most icon in the player control bar. 
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